Sunday, January 2, 2011

Final post - Thank you note from our Ladakhi friend 'Dorjay Gyalson'

This is a mail written by Gyalson to all the supporters of this cause
Dear Mr Rohit
I would like to sincerly "thank you" and all the other group member
and sponsers for your great collaboration, which enabaled us to
provide much needed relief to the flood effected, 52 family in 4
villages and scholarship to the students coming fro disadavantaged
All the villagers, family members and students of Nurla,Tia,Timesgang,
Ang, and phyang, are expressing their sincere gratitude towards your
benevolent act.
I  really cherish our association and look forward to more such
productiv and meaning\full co operation.
I would like to especially focus on the education of childern coming
isolated and financially challenged regions.
Thanking you and wish you the very best for future endeavors.


Photos of material distribution

The photos can be accessed by clicking the link below

Material distribution

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Update on collections & disbursal of material

Funds Collection
We collected Rs 2,71,401 in addition to clothes and other material.
The collection details (amount and date) are given below:
In addition to the funds we managed to collect ~9 cartons of clothes and other material.

Utilisation of funds
  • Rs 1,69,815 (Rs 1,59,650 + Rs 10,165) was used for procuring material (warm clothes, mattresses, caps, thermos flasks etc.) for the 56 families from Leh (as per the local taste and sensibilities)
  • Rs 63,840 was used to procure 40 solar lanterns @ Rs. 1596 per piece. This was directly procured from the manufacturer in Haridwar (Andslite pvt ltd.) and transported to Leh (thereby saving us Rs 604 per piece (and Rs 24,000 overall) in case the same lantern had been procured from Leh). These Andslite lanterns have been successfully used by the locals in the past in the harsh winters of Ladakh
  • Rs 22,030 has been used to fund the education of 3 school children
  • Rs 8,511 given to Gyalson for his tireless work in coordinating the entire effort in Leh
  • Rs 7,021 incurred for hiring trucks (2 trips) and one taxi for distribution of material
  • Rs 184 deducted by SBI as outstation cheque processing charges
Disbursal of material
  • The first consignment of relief material was distributed by Gyalson over 5th & 6th (Diwali) Nov. This was distributed among 52 of the 56 families which had been identified earlier (4 families have since moved to a different village/place)
  • Solar lanterns distributed over 13th-14th Nov to those families among the 56 identified who’s homes had been damaged/ destroyed
  • A carton of color books, story books, crayons etc. had been donated by an ex-army personnel (Brigadier (retd.)) who currently resides in Delhi. This was distributed among the school children in Leh.
Receipts for expenses incurred and acknowledgement of material received by families
Detailed receipts can be accessed by clicking on the links below
Future course of action
Post photographs of the material collected & disbursal of material to identified families (will be done very shortly)

Note: Funds from this corpus have not been utilized for travel to Leh by any volunteer. 

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Update on collections & identification of families needing assistance in Ladakh

Funds collection
We have managed to collect Rs 1.06 lakhs as on 10th September 2010 in addition to clothes and other material.

Identification of families needing assistance
Munish Duvedi, Raman Sehgal, Dinesh Singh and Jasmine Yu (from AID Gurgaon) travelled to Ladakh from 4th September to 9th September. They met with officials from the Leh administration to gauge the areas where we could make the maximum difference. Their observation was that although plenty of aid has reached Leh but limited amount has percolated down to villages surrounding Leh.

As was noted earlier, we have been coordinating with a few locals (Gyalson & Kingshok (from the NGO Pragya)) to identify families needing assistance (we are grateful to JP Gupta & Siddharth (of Himalaya Trekkers Yahoo Group) for putting us in touch with them). They have been working tirelessly by visiting the villages most affected by the floods. They have identified 56 families across 19 villages whose homes have been destroyed and are in need of assistance.

The volunteers traveled to some of these villages (Phyang, Tia, Nurla & Timesgam) and met with the families. The worst affected families have been the one’s whose homes were located close to the river bodies. They are now residing in tents or school buildings. Other families in these villages (whose home were slightly distant from these river bodies) have not been affected much.

We will now help these families directly using the funds which have been collected through this effort. Our endeavor always was to ensure that aid reaches the affected people directly rather than not being utilized 'effectively' through a big fund. This brings us a step closer to our goal.

The details of the families and the extent of damage suffered are given below:

List of Identified Families

Future course of action
• Decide on items to be included in a basic kit with which to help the families re-start their lives/ gear up for the winters
• Procure the items in the kits and make separate packets for each family
• Transport the material to Ladakh with the assistance of Indian Army
• Disburse the kits among the identified families
• Pass on the list of families who we have not been able to support to other NGOs operating in the region.
• Scout for other NGO’s who will adopt villages and rebuild homes for the families.

Extension of collection drive
We are extending the collection drive till 17th September. Please ensure that your contributions reach us by then.

Note: Funds from this corpus have not been utilized for travel to Leh by any volunteer.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ernst & Young joins hand with Sadbhavana

We are pleased to announce that Ernst & Young is extending its support for this cause. EYF (Ernst & Young Foundation) through its CSR initiative will be making a matching contribution to double the amount collected (from Ernst & Young employees).

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ladakh.relief is now on Facebook

We are now on Facebook:

Please click on 'Like' to express support and stay connected.

Volunteers travelling to Ladakh

We are pleased to announce that AID (Association for India’s Development) Gurgaon is joining hands with us to lend a fillip to this effort. 

The following volunteers will be travelling to Ladakh on 2nd Sept (for one week) to identify families who need direct support & trust worthy channels working on the grassroot level for the disbursal of the material sent. The individuals are:

·         Munish Duvedi
·         Raman Sehgal
·         Dinesh Singh and
·         Jasmine Yu (US National)

We will be assisting them with local contacts who can take them around in Ladakh and transportation of their relief material to Leh.